Brochure - Bucharest International School of Management

Master in Business Administration (MSc)


5 years management
7 years work experience

Start Date:


Early Bird:

May 31
€ 3000


2 years
Part time


Triple Crown Accreditation AACSB, EQUIS, AMBA and NVAO

In Partnership with:

Download the EMBA Brochure

What is an EMBA? Is it right for you, now? What are you going to learn from it? Who will your colleagues be?

We know deciding to study an EMBA brings with it a lot of questions and we aim to answer as many of them through this brochure, including information on:

Fill in the form below in order to download the EMBA brochure to find more info about the program, admission criteria, fees and how to apply.

Program - EMBA Contact

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