FAQ - Bucharest International School of Management

Master in Business Administration (MSc)


5 years management
7 years work experience

Start Date:


Early Bird:

May 31
€ 3000


2 years
Part time


Triple Crown Accreditation AACSB, EQUIS, AMBA and NVAO

In Partnership with:

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any questions about the program, you can reach out via the form below

We also encourage you to join a course and see the experience for yourself – fill in the form below to enquire about the calendar and when you can join.

We pride ourselves with a very particular mix of teachers coming from Romania and all over Europe. They are experienced business professionals, consultants, academic and investors.

The courses take place on alternating weekends on Saturday and Sunday from 9 am to 4 pm at our premises. For information on the complete schedule, don’t hesitate to contact us for more details at [email protected] 

The courses take place at our premises @BISM HQ – on Dacia Boulevard, number 99, Bucharest. If you want to visit us, send us un email at [email protected]

The first step in the application process is to set a meeting with a school representative. Find out more on the admission page.

Yes. You need an English proficiency test to be admitted in the program. 

TOEFL Scores (Test of English as Foreing Language) 

88 for internet based test

230 for computer based test

570 for paper based test

570 institutional TOEFL, or


IELTS: 6.5 minimum, with no section below 5.5 on the Academic Test, or 

TOEIC score (Test of English for International Communication): 720, provided applicant has passed both Speaking and Writing and Listening and Reading, or

Person PTE Academic test of English – minimum score 59, or

Cambridge CPE English Proficiency test – C, or

Cambridge CAE English Advanced test – B. 

Yes and upon completion you will be granted a diploma in Master in Business Administration by Maastricht University (UM)

Maastricht School of Management (MSM) is part of Maastricht University School of Business and Economics (SBE) of Maastricht University (UM). SBE belongs to a select group of 1% of educational institutes worldwide with a Triple Crown accreditation by the international accrediting bodies AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA. In addition, MSM’s Master in Management and MBA programs are accredited by NVAO.

Plus, see the FAQ answered by our students and team in the Q&A evenings we host:

Although I don’t have kids, as my colleagues did, I was still concerned about the time spent in the program before starting it. It felt a bit anxious about the time spent in class during weekends and the rest, which we have to spend for assignments. But that’s theory. In reality, it was fun, I learnt a lot of new things and realised you allocate the time you want and can give.

It depends on each person how efficient each person can solve problems. I didn’t have a lot of time to invest, the company I work for demands a lot of my time. I have to admit I thought I’d take an extra year to finish the MBA, but I’m up to speed and time wasn’t a problem. I always finished the assignments and even found extra time to read the optional books recommended by the teachers in the courses.

There is time, all you need to do is structure your priorities. It is probably around 3 hours per week, depending on how efficient you are.

Valentin Ivănescu, RO10 Alumnus


I think that this MBA is like a Windows update. But instead of it coming when you need Windows to be functional, you set yourself to make the update from Saturday to Sunday and from Monday everything works easier. It helped me organise myself better and in the past year it helped us advance with one of the greatest objective from the past year in our organization.

Claudiu Butacu, RO10 Alumnus

All courses can be hands on if you want to approach the vision and strategy of the company your work in through the lens of the respective course. Most of the assignments allow you to do this. So, if your approach is very concrete on the problems you have today, you have the chance to have a hands-on element in each course.

Valentin Ivănescu, RO10 Alumnus

Embrace the MBA with the desire to change. Rather than getting prepared even before starting the program and aiming to get a higher grade, be ready to grow. Be open to find out new things. Think about what are the questions from your business which you want answers to and bring them to the MBA.

Because otherwise you risk losing time you could spend learning and growing in the program.

Sergiu Neguț, BISM Associate Dean for Entrepreneurial Growth

Every course addresses the people side of the business. Also, for every course, you have a group assignment, in which you get to work with those around you. So, on top of the specific courses from which you get key instruments on how to better collaborate with people, you get a lot from the experience of working with your colleagues.

Also, the first event from the MBA is the Discovery Camp, in which we introduce notions related to group work and team dynamics. We saw that it matters a lot to the experience of the MBA and to the consecutive group work needed in the program.

Laura Lăzărescu, RO8 Alumna and Managing Partner of BISM

I have started to read more about team work after having classes in the MBA and I’ve seen the satisfaction grow in the teams I work with. I love working in the team I am and I believe that this enthusiasm also came with how I approached leadership.

Natalia Lepădatu, RO10 Alumna

I’d say that the MBA doesn’t come with a job, but rather with your experience. You don’t get access to a new marketplace of jobs once you finish. The experience you gather during the MBA, based on your development, gives you a boost of confidence.

The level of confidence with which I have finished this MBA is a lot stronger than the one I entered with. I think that now I can face any job or challenge. Even if I don’t know how to do this, I know where to look for the information.

Valentin Ivănescu, RO10 Alumnus


I’d say the biggest opportunity comes from the community. Knowing that you can access a network where you can get a recommendation for a role, for a new industry or find a new employee for your team means a lot. It is, basically, the place where you can go and ask for the help of those around you.

Laura Lăzărescu, RO8 Alumna and Managing Director of BISM

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