Past Events from 21 Oct 2023 – January 16 › Executives › – Bucharest International School of Management

One Day MBA Experience – October

BISM HQ Dacia 99, 3rd floor, Bucharest

As a leader, you've seen the prestige, the opportunities, and the impact that often comes with an MBA. Yet its true value remains unclear. Without this knowledge, you might be missing key growth opportunities that an Executive MBA can provide....

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Lansare de carte – “Alternative” de Adrian Stanciu

BISM HQ Dacia 99, 3rd floor, Bucharest

Pe 1 noiembrie, Adrian Stanciu își lansează prima sa carte, "Alternative", într-o discuție cu publicul alături de Marius Ștefan, CEO, Autonom. „Alternative” este o colecție de eseuri inedite despre societate, conducerea oamenilor, valori, mentalități și atitudini moderne. Este o carte...

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Masterclass Executive Career Transformation

BISM HQ Dacia 99, 3rd floor, Bucharest

We spend more than 2/3 of our active lives at work. Therefore, our careers can have an important role on our life's meaning, wellbeing and balance. And career transitions need some awareness & intentional consideration especially when attending an Executive MBA, a transformative program, or purely you need a change.

This shift is always happening while horizons and possibilities open up for us. It starts with a shift in mindset and continues as a transformation. To make the most of it some framing and tools might be needed.

We invite you to a masterclass on Executive Career Transformation with Mihai ZANT, Executive Coach & Trainer @ HUMANISTIC and Co-Founder CareerShift to manage career shifts.

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Masterclass – How much do you need in order to retire comfortably?

BISM HQ Dacia 99, 3rd floor, Bucharest

Early retirement, financially independent: fantasy or reality? Joy Chan spent the last 20 years in Europe advising hundreds of clients on personal finance, and discovering that most Europeans think about retirement planning only during their mid-careers, when they are in...

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Open Course: Sales and Negotiations with Adrian Stanciu

BISM HQ Dacia 99, 3rd floor, Bucharest

The open enrollment course Sales and Negotiations with Adrian Stanciu will enable you to build effective sales organizations. This isn't just about learning best practices, it's about understanding the underlying principles that make these practices effective or ineffective in real-world...

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Circle of trust – Womanity event

BISM HQ Dacia 99, 3rd floor, Bucharest

TEMA: DUAL CAREER COUPLES - ECHILIBRUL INTRE VIATA PROFESIONALA SI RELATIA DE CUPLU Cu bucurie și entuziasm vă invităm la primul eveniment Womanity CIRCLE OF TRUST din 2024, special guest speaker Domnica Petrovai - psihoterapeut de cuplu, fondator Scoala pentru...

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Masterclass. Speranță și Optimism – fully booked

BISM HQ Dacia 99, 3rd floor, Bucharest

Două cuvinte ne pot schimba viața. Speranța și optimismul, pe care le vedem în general ca pe niște atitudini pasive în fața lucrurilor care nu depind de noi: „sper că o să meargă”, ”privesc viitorul cu optimism”. Dar ele sunt, de fapt, „mușchi” pe care n-am învățat să-i antrenăm. Și resurse practice cu care putem crea viitorul pe care-l dorim.

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Strategy in Action: Agile Leadership

BISM HQ Dacia 99, 3rd floor, Bucharest

Traditional leadership models are proving ineffective. Companies struggle to adapt, teams grapple with rapidly changing demands, and leaders often find themselves ill-equipped to guide their organizations through this flux.

Without the skills to navigate this new landscape, businesses risk stagnation, low team morale, and missed opportunities. Leadership that isn’t adaptive and doesn’t prioritize outcomes, can cause organizational drift and reduce competitiveness in the market.

The Strategy in Action: Agile Leadership intensive course is designed to bridge this gap, offering practical insights, techniques, and methods to drive organizational agility. It invites leaders to reinterpret leadership—shifting from rigidity to fluidity, from mere execution to visionary strategizing, ensuring the heart of agility pulses through every decision, every action.

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One Day EMBA Experience – March – fully booked

BISM HQ Dacia 99, 3rd floor, Bucharest

Intrigued by the buzz around MBAs but still unclear about the program's value and benefits? Join us for a day-long immersion into the Executive MBA Experience, where you'll gain firsthand insights from our lecturers and experienced alumni. Delve into the...

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Masterclass: Building Successful Partnerships

BISM HQ Dacia 99, 3rd floor, Bucharest

Building Successful Partnerships: Strategies for Executives and Business Owners This session is designed to equip executives and business owners with the knowledge to establish and maintain successful partnerships with individuals. Participants will explore various elements of partnerships, including the identification...

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Curs intensiv: Cum devenim manageri mai performanți

Sediul IT Perspectives Sibiu

Pe 12 și 13 aprilie, lectorii BISM ajung pentru prima oară la Sibiu pentru cursul "Cum devenim manageri mai performanți". În cele 2 zile de curs, ne vom uita mai întâi la fiecare dintre noi, cu puncte forte și cu...

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Discuție: Cum avem impact împreună

Sediul IT Perspectives Sibiu

Profităm de faptul că venim la Sibiu pentru Cursul intensiv "Cum devenim manageri mai performanți" și ne întâlnim în seara de 12 aprilie pentru o discuție într-un cadru relaxat despre Cum avem impact împreună? Alături de Adrian Stanciu și Cosmin Alexandru, discutăm...

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Open Course: Sales and Negotiations with Adrian Stanciu – Fully booked

BISM HQ Dacia 99, 3rd floor, Bucharest

The open enrollment course Sales and Negotiations with Adrian Stanciu will enable you to build effective sales organizations.

This isn’t just about learning best practices, it’s about understanding the underlying principles that make these practices effective or ineffective in real-world applications. This approach ensures you’re not just replicating past solutions, but critically analyzing and applying them to forge your own path to success in sales and negotiations.

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Womanity Talks Business – Aprilie

BISM HQ Dacia 99, 3rd floor, Bucharest

Acest eveniment e deschis doar celor din Comunitatea BISM (studenți și absolvenți ai programelor noastre). Vă invităm cu drag la o întâlnire super specială Womanity Talks Business în 25 aprilie când Community Moderator va fi Dora Surugiu-Kocsolade - fondator BISM,...

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Open Course: Sales and Negotiations with Adrian Stanciu – May

BISM HQ Dacia 99, 3rd floor, Bucharest

The open enrollment course Sales and Negotiations with Adrian Stanciu will enable you to build effective sales organizations. This isn’t just about learning best practices, it’s about understanding the underlying principles that make these practices effective or ineffective in real-world applications. This approach ensures you’re...

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One Day EMBA Experience

BISM HQ Dacia 99, 3rd floor, Bucharest

You’ve heard others talk about an MBA, you may even know people who studied it, but you’re still in the dark when it comes to the program. Why is it so well viewed in the business world? Who is it...

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Masterclass: New Business Models

BISM HQ Dacia 99, 3rd floor, Bucharest

Business is changing and what got you here won’t get you there. But, if you’ve been successful, you are naturally inclined to stick to your old business model. Until an innovative newcomer disrupts it and eats away your success. Old...

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Masterclass: De la valori la impact social

BISM HQ Dacia 99, 3rd floor, Bucharest

Într-o lume în continuă schimbare, companiile sunt tot mai conștiente că succesul lor nu depinde doar de performanțele financiare, ci și de impactul lor asupra comunității și mediului. În plus, ca lideri, ne dorim să dăm înapoi, să fim un...

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Become an Angel Investor: a hands-on venture capital course

BISM HQ Dacia 99, 3rd floor, Bucharest

Cursul intensiv Become an Angel Investor: a hands-on venture capital course reprezintă o introducere în lumea investițiilor de tip venture capital, oferind participanților cunoștințele și abilitățile esențiale pentru a naviga acest domeniu complex. Structurat în patru module, cursul combină teoria...

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Curs intensiv: Cum devenim manageri mai performanți

Pe 16-18 ianuarie, lectorii BISM ajung la Oradea pentru cursul “Cum devenim manageri mai performanți”. În cele 3 zile de curs, ne vom uita mai întâi la fiecare dintre noi, cu puncte forte și cu slăbiciuni și cum le folosim...

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