In uncertain times, investing in your development is one of the smartest strategic choices. The right learning experience goes beyond knowledge—it equips you with the tools to navigate complexity, make better decisions, and lead with confidence.
The session will be hosted by Radu Atanasiu, BISM’s Associate Dean for Academic Affairs joined by BISM alumni.
➤ Andra Iacob, Managing Director, Chapter 4 Communications Romania
➤ Mircea-Victor Voiteanu, Founder & CEO Easy Data Integration
➤ Costin Mincovici, Chief Credit Officer, tbi bank
➤ Learn about the structure, learning outcomes, and key benefits of our programs: the Executive MBA, delivered in partnership with the University of Maastricht; the Fast Track Management Program; and the Strategic Growth Management Program.
➤ Hear inspiring stories from alumni who have used what they learned at BISM to grow their careers and businesses.
➤ Discover how these programs are designed for both entrepreneurs and corporate leaders, offering practical solutions for real-world challenges.
➤ Ask your specific questions in a dedicated Q&A session, and gain clarity on which program best aligns with your goals.
If you’re ready to sharpen your leadership skills, make better strategic decisions, or equip your team with a world-class business education, this session will give you the insights you need to move forward with confidence.
Secure your spot by completing the form below.