Best Practices in Procurement & Negotiation
This 2 days course is designed for everyone that deals with suppliers and wants to obtain lower costs, a better quality of products and better delivery times. If you are an entrepreneur, a buyer or any other job function within your organization that is dealing with suppliers… then register for this training as you will get useful information that will help you achieve more when dealing with suppliers.
This training will provide practical solutions for your company, based on best practices in Procurement and we will solve together some of your concrete problems in this area. In this training, you will gain capabilities of effective negotiation with suppliers (including difficult suppliers), capabilities of efficient organizing a purchasing process, understanding different procurement tools and using them in the right situation.
On top of the information and knowledge discussed, we will provide you with some great bonuses that can definitely make your day-to-day job easier:
– Request for Proposal Template
– Purchase Terms and Conditions
– Purchasing Contract Template
– Evaluation matrix Tool and other interesting tools
– And last but not least you will get access to a Community of Buyers that will help you continue your development in the Procurement area
Short Agenda
Day 1 – Procurement Best practices
– How to create an Ethical Procurement Environment
– Procurement process in 6 steps (from demand creation until delivery and payment) and how to be efficient and effective in each step
– How to implement best Procurement tools (Request for Proposal, Request for Information, e- auction, Single Source negotiation) and when to use each of them
– How to evaluate and score offers from suppliers
– How to write best Procurement Contracts
– How to create the best Supplier Relationship Management
– How to use technology in Procurement to your advantage
– How to define and measure Key Performance Indicators for Procurement in your company
Day 2 – Negotiation with Suppliers
– Introduction into negotiation practices
– How to prepare for the best negotiations in order to get the result you want
– Different Negotiation tools and techniques and how to use them to your advantage
– How to Communicate during negotiations in order to attain your goals
– How to organize your Team negotiations
– What means of negotiation are best to use in different situations
– How to apply Persuasion techniques in suppliers negotiations
About the Lecturer
Sabina is one of MSM EMBA graduates and has more than 15 years of experience in Procurement in different industries like IT, retail, facility management, services, and marketing. She owns several international degrees in Procurement like MCIPS from the UK Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply and SPSM from the US Next Level Purchasing Organization. Sabina is currently working for Erste Group Procurement dealing with international suppliers and categories. She also provides consultancy and training in the Procurement area, helping companies implement best practices in procurement, and is the founder of the first Romanian Procurement Association – Elite Procurement Community.
What others have to say about this course?
“The Procurement training that Sabina organized was extremely useful for our team. All information and procedures were taught in a friendly, logical and intuitive manner, with relevant study cases. They were easily implemented and the results came immediately. We fully recommend this course to future participants.”  Bogdan Dogaru – General Director, Montaj Carpati
“The course sustained by Sabina in our company was very useful and interesting, with concrete examples and practical solutions that helped us in negotiation with suppliers and cost reduction.” Cristina Feodorov – Procurement Director, Iridex Group
“As Executive Director of Implant Expert (Clinicile Dr. Leahu), I worked very closely with Sabina in reorganizing the procurement activity for our company. Sabina helped us in redefining the procure-to-pay process, the procurement procedure, and the working instructions, in implementing a new contract template, organizing a procurement training for our team and negotiating with main suppliers. The collaboration with Sabina was very beneficial for our company and the expertise she brought to the procurement process helped us organize it in a professional and efficient way.” Cristian Salceanu – ex Executive Director Clinicile dr. Leahu, Current Operations Director Taxify
WHEN: 3-4th of April 2020
Daily Schedule: 13:00-20:00 Friday & 09:00 – 16:00 Saturday
WHERE:Â MsM Romania HQ, 99 Dacia Blvd, 3rd floor.
TUITION FEE: 350 eur (does not include VAT)
DISCOUNTS: 5% for 2 people, 10% for 3 or more from the same company; 30% for MsM Romania students and alumni, 10% NRCC, Romanian Business Leaders and Erudio members.
To enroll in this program, please fill in the form below. For more information, please contact us at  +40756.064.460 or [email protected].
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