Yes! We are back! Join us this Wednesday for a new episode of “Leadership in times of crisis” online series.
Slowly we get back to the reality, but the reality we face today is a bit different than we remember. We are facing challenges in each sector, and the investment one is not going to be an exception. That’s why we invited some of the experts in this domain to talk about the post-Covid investment trends and how accessing funding for businesses will change in Q3 and Q4:
Sergiu Negut – Associate Dean for Entrepreneurial Growth @MSM Romania
Simona Gemeneanu – Partner @Morphosis
Stanislav Sirakov – Partner @LauncHub
Dan Mihaescu – Founding partner @GapMinder
Andrei Dudoiu – Co-Founder & CEO @SeedBlink
Participation is free, but make sure you register in order to receive the link to the discussion: