Whether it’s for the next quarter, the next year or the next following years, in business, we’re always planning something. It keeps us attuned to the changing market conditions and tries to put us in a better position compared to competition.
However, not any plan is a good plan and most of them don’t even make it any further than an Excel spreadsheet. This is why, on 11 August, we’ve invited Vlad Panait, Founder and Managing Partner of Sparking Capital to talk about strategic planning that works.
In the 1.5 hours free masterclass on 11 August at BISM HQ (Bd. Dacia 99, 3rd floor) to address key questions such as:
18:30 – 19:00 Welcome
19:30 – 20:30 Masterclass and Q&A
20:30 onwards Networking
Vlad Panait is Founder and Managing Partner of Sparking Capital, an early stage VC fund investing in technology startups. He has 20+ years international marketing & trade marketing experience within multinational companies with an ascending career from junior roles to C-Level executive /Board Member
The event is free to attend, but in order for us to make sure we have the proper room set up, please fill in the form below and save the date.